Monday, November 23, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 09

Here is our Halloween costums for this year. Michael had to work so my dad was very willing to help out. We are Goldi Locks and the Three Bears.

She finally did it!

We have been waiting months for Esther to walk. She has been walking along the furniture for quite some time now. Then about three weeks ago we had just come home from church and she took three steps from the couch to Henry's bouncy chair. I could not believe it. Since then she has not stopped. Esther is now walking all over the place. She doesn't want to crawl anymore.

Dishes and Esther

Esther's new thing is to help me with the dishes. She loves to play in the water but most of all she loves to eat the bubbles. She can hear the sink filling up from the other room and get so excited to help.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cooking with Daddy

Esther had her first cooking Lesson. She got to wear the pink apron Kathryn got her just for Daddy cooking time. The biggest cooking secret Esther learned was that, if you cook with Dad, you get to lick the spatula.

Summer activites

A couple of weeks ago we took Esther and Henry to the Zoo. Esther enjoyed it more than I thought she would. She was so enthralled with all the animals especially the snake. She had so much fun that when it was time to go home she had a little fit. I think we will try and go again in October, maybe it won't be so hot then.

We took Esther to the pool about a month ago. She loves bath time so I assumed she would love the pool and of course she did. She loved that she could splash all she wanted and this time I didn't care if I got all wet from it. She wasn't afraid if her feet didn't touch the ground, of course I was holding her. Michael gave Esther her first swim lesson and had her float on her back. She could have spent all day at the pool. Even Henry got in on the action.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oregon 2009

Last week we had the opportunity to take a trip to the Oregon coast. Everyone had a great time. I was surprised how much Esther loved the beach. She just started digging right in the sand. She also loved to eat the sand, she loves to eat anything. The water was cold but she did not care she just keep wanting to go further out in the ocean.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Esther's first birthday

We celebrated Esther's first birthday on July 29th. I can't believe a whole year has gone by. She is no longer my little baby girl she is becoming a big girl. Esther started her birthday with a birthday sucker, our neighbor gave it to her. She loved it and made a huge mess. Her birthday party was at Scera Park. Heather and her family along with mine and Michael's families were in attendance. Michael made Esther her very own cake. After a little coaxing she dug right in. I can't believe how much cake she ate. In fact she ate so much cake that she threw up later after we got home, it was worth it though.

Helping Grandpa

Michael's Parents came to visit and be here for Esther"s first Birthday. We bought a new faucet for the kitchen sink and Michael's dad was so kind to install it. Esther always wants right in the middle of everything so of course she wanted to help grandpa out.

Hanging out

Crazy Hair

Esther's hair is getting so long. This picture was taken after she woke up from her morning nap. She had a bath right before her nap and her hair was still wet.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I am ready for the sun

Michael bought Esther some sunglasses for our trip to Oregon in August. She just wanted to take them off and chew on them. We will see if she will wear them to the beach.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How she does it.

Sorry I could not figure out how to rotate the picture.

She Stands

The last couple of weeks Esther has learned to pull herself up. She loves to stand in her bed. She also crawls now and is into everything.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Brother

June 7th at 3:30 PM Esther Welcomed a new brother Henry Michael to the family. To say that Esther is infatuated is an understatement. She was using all the wiggles and squirms she knows to try to get over to him. When they finally met up she was enthralled and patted him, at first gently and then not so much, on the head.

Esther also had a fun stroll down memory lane while checking out Henry's sleeping quarters, which she remembered fondly.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun with Daddy

Bath time

Here is a cute picture of Esther taking a bath. Her hair is getting long.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Here are a few pictures that Michael took of Esther outside in our backyard. She is eating a stick.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Esther is the proud owner of two new bottom baby teeth. This last weekend Esther was a little more grumpy then her usual self. I just thought she was tired and didn't think much of it. She is really a good baby but like most babies she has her days. I didn't even think to look in her mouth since she has had no sign of teeth up to this point but, then yesterday Michael discovered two bottom teeth popping through her gums. She won't open her mouth to get a good look right now but when she does I will take a picture. I can't believe she is getting so big.

Easter 2009

Sorry it took so long to post pictures of Esther and her first Easter. We had a Easter egg hunt at my parents house. Of course I looked for the eggs and Esther just wanted to put the basket in her mouth.