Thursday, March 24, 2011


Esther had to have three stitches put in her middle finger on her left hand this last Tuesday. Michael was putting up a new light in our entry way and put the box cutters up on a ledge. The box cutters where closed but Henry found them and figured out how to open them. Esther decided she wanted the box cutters and tried to grab them from Henry resulting in her slicing her finger open. I was out visiting teaching when after just 20min into my visit Michael called and told me I needed to come home right away because Esther needed to go to the E.R.
In the E.R. Michael asked Esther if she could be brave and she responded with a very sad NO. Everyone in the E.R. thought she was very cute and yes she was very brave. Every time we change the band aid and put a new one on she asks if it is all better. It is healing nicely and she will get the stitches out this coming Monday.