Monday, February 9, 2009

Going to Court

On Tuesday Feb 3rd we went to court to finalize Esther's adoption. It was a neat experience. I was really nervous never being in court before. The judge was running late so we had to wait about 20 minutes. Then we all entered the court room. Our lawyer was there, our social worker, Michael's mom and mine and of course Esther. We all rose when the judge came in and then Michael, myself, and our social worker were sworn in. Our social worker then took the stand and presented her finding which were that Esther was happy and adjusting well and that she should remain in our home. Then our lawyer began to ask me my questions. There were about 15 questions most of which were yes or no. Then he asked Michael about 4 questions. The judge then said that according to the information that was presented the best interested for the child was to remain in our home and he signed the paperwork and that was that. At that moment I had a great sense for relief. But the week was not over.

1 comment:

Judi said...

It was a wonderful experience to be with you for your "day in court." Everything went so smoothly. The Judge, who was larger than life, was very thorough and very pleasant as well. It was a good day and a memorable event. Thanks for the memory! Love, Mom McNeilis